Extreme CrossFit's Workout of the Day. Located in Martinsburg, WV.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Deload Week
Practice Day

A: Candlestick to Burpee Tabata
4 min - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off:
Candlestick Roll to standing then

B: Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
Teams of Two-
Barbell Bear Complex:
Each partner must complete 3 Bear Complex Rounds
-One Partner Completed s full bear complex round:
1 Clean, 1 FS, 1 PP to rear Rack, 1 BS, 1 PP to front Rack
-The other partner must hold a plank in any way (elbows, side, rear or front) while the partner works.  Rest may occur between sets during the bear complex round but once the bar is off the ground, the other must plank.

C: Hip Flexor and Quad Smash (No Measure)
Use Foam roller and Barbell to get into Anterior hip and supporting muscles.