Extreme CrossFit's Workout of the Day. Located in Martinsburg, WV.

Monday, April 28, 2014


15 minutes to work on holding False Grip while doing skin the cat & forward/backward tuck rolls on rings. 

Have fun with your time on the rings. They can be very rewarding.

7 min AMRAP using 2-30#/20# DBs:
6 DB Dead lifts *DBs touch ground
9 DB Front Squats
12 Kipping HSPU * advanced can use DB as parallettes

-Rest 3 minutes-

7 min AMRAP using same weight as before:
6 Burpee box step overs w DBs in hands (24/20)
9 DB Hang Cleans
12 DB Push Jerks

Score each round separately. Post rounds and reps completed for both AMRAPs.

"You get back only what you give."