Extreme CrossFit's Workout of the Day. Located in Martinsburg, WV.

Friday, January 15, 2016

01-16-16 Saturday

Saturday schedule:
CrossFit class 9am-10am
Open Gym 10am-12pm

1: Strength:
Split Jerk from back rack
6x2 with clean grip, increase weight each set

2: Tabata: 10 min of 20 on/10 off
First 20 sec: Double Unders
Second 20 sec: Kettlebell Swings (32kg /24kg)
*score is total reps

1-15-16 Friday

1:For time:
30 D-balls over shoulder (100#/80#)
-Rest 5 min before setting up partner wod-
2: Partner WOD (You go, I go)
3 RFT:
15 yd plate push (45#/25#)
30 yd Yoke carry (4-45s/4-25s)
15 Hanging hip touches, alternating arms or 45 sec pull-up bar hold
*Partner 1 does a full round then partner 2 does a full round. That's 1 full round.