Extreme CrossFit's Workout of the Day. Located in Martinsburg, WV.

Monday, June 23, 2014


4 rounds of
20 sec hollow position
15 goblet squats with a slight pause at bottom
10 back extensions

1 min on each arm and leg:
Front Squat shoulder mobility with PVC
Spider man stretch into pigeon stretch 

3 rds of:
4-6 Front pause squats with 4 sec descent-1 sec uprise-1 sec pause at top
2-3 Strict weighted pullups or strict pull-ups

For time:
Reps: 21-15-9-9-15-21
Rest times in seconds after each set:60-40-20-40-60
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
SDLHP (75#/50#)

So do 21 of each movement, then rest for 60 sec
do 15 of each movement, then rest for 40 sec
do 9 of each movement, then rest for 20 sec
do 9 of each movement, then rest for 40 sec
do 15 of each movement, then rest for 60 sec
do 21 of each movement
The point behind this workout is to try to complete each round unbroken.

Front Rack Mobility: External Rotation with PVC Pipe
